FUNdraising Ideas For Everyone
There are a lot of good causes and no matter what charity you decide to donate to there are so many great fundraising ideas out there but where do you start? I hope this list helps.
We appreciate so much when people fundraise for us and help us to send gift packages to children with cancer. We send many packages to various Children’s Hospitals and Cancer Charities around the whole. If you would like more information about what we do please click here.
Yard Sale Fundraiser
Yard sales are an easy way to raise funds, they bring the community together, and they help you to declutter your home.
This is also a great idea to bring your whole street together and participate in a street sale. More people taking part means more people will get to know about it and come visit the sale. You can include a lemonade stand and cake sale to increase funds.
Board Game Tournament
This is one of our favorite ways to fundraise as we love playing board games. It always leads to a fun day or evening and you end up making new friends. There are so many games to choose from – everyone can bring a game or two each. Everyone that would like to take part makes a donation and there can be fun prizes when you win!

Cake Sale / Lemonade Stand

Such a fun way to involve children in raising money for charity and is very easy to put together. Make sure to design a few posters and put them up around the neighborhood so people can see the details and why you are raising money.
A cake sale and lemonade stand can be used with other fundraising events too, for example a yard or book sale and craft fair.
Office / Workplace
This a great way to make a difference in the community and makes a great morale booster in the workplace. Workplace fundraisers are a great means of team building and camaraderie as well. Here are some idea:
Small change/ Penny jar. Such an easy way to raise money and does not involve a lot of organizing. Place a jar in a high traffic area with a sign that states what the fundraiser is for.
Office Scavenger Hunt. A fun activity and great for team building. Everyone that would like to play gives a donation. All teams receive clues that they hunt around the office or outside for.
Company sports day/ Cook off. School sports days were always so much fun. Activities could be team sports such as football, basketball, hockey or a three-legged race. This could be an all day event and anyone that does not want to participate could be involved in the cook off for lunch time.
Community Scavenger Hunt
A fun way to bring the community together, exercise and raise funds for a charity. Scavenger hunts are more fun when it involves people working in groups and each group needs to make a donation when they sign up. A time limit will need to be decided as well as rules. This fundraising idea does involve more thought and preparation as you will need to hide items and provide clues. There should be a prize for the group that finishes first.
Used Book Sale
Everyone has used books at home that they would love to share with others and declutter their home. Again this is a great community event as a street book sale will gain a bigger crowd. Set up posters around the neighborhood and you can ask people to donate their old books too.
You could ask local indie authors to donate a few books and make an appearance at your fundraiser. You can include a bake sale and lemonade stand as an extra way to raise funds.
Craft Fair
A craft fair is a fun idea and easy to put together. There are many ways you can go with a craft fair. Small businesses can get involved and a portion of all profits can be donated. Local people who love crafting can get involved and sell their products too. One popular table to include is a ‘how to’ hands on demonstration.
A lemonade stand and bake sale would do well to be included with a craft fair too and it will raise more funds.
Silent Auction
A silent Auction can be an in person event or online. This does include a bit of work as you will need to canvas businesses to make a donation to your auction and then advertise the event. Small donations are great as they can be grouped together in a basket.
Trivia Night
This can be done in person or online with friends, neighbors or work colleagues. People leave a donation when they register for the event and you can have some prizes for the winners of the quiz.
Sponsored Events
There are so many options for this fundraiser idea. It could be so simple as growing a beard and collecting sponsorships to support your efforts. Collecting sponsorships for a 5K run, a hike or to shave your head, the possibilities are endless.

If you would like to fundraise for us and help make a difference in the lives of children with cancer please contact me here.